Friday, September 19, 2014


Going to a sleepover with my best friend! Afterwards, we're going to LARP in a park. Since I can't publish this on Saturday, I'm doing it today. To top off Saturday, here's a comic and a game review!
Sorry for the bad lighting and bad handwriting; I do much better on the computer.
Me- Hmmm...
Computer- Pokemon fusion! :)
Me: This doesn't look too hard.
Me: There! Got it!
(In case you were wondering, that is Mr. Drippy from Ni No Kuni in the last panel.)
And now, to the game review!

GAME REVIEW: Rune Factory 4!

This is the perfect game for anyone who likes either Skyrim or Harvest Moon! When I first picked up this game, It had just come out, and I had no idea what to expect. It turned out that it was one of my favorite DS games ever! A close second to Pokemon Pearl and Pokemon X! You can farm interesting plants, make armor and weapons, medicine and accessories. You can also complete missions that the townspeople give to you, fight monsters in TONS of different dungeons, and form relationships with people in the town! It has beautiful graphics and a magical storyline. Check this game out!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Final Fantasy 13!

I finally got Final Fantasy 13!!! It looks amazing, and the fight scenes are so cool! What I don't understand is how the heroes start out completely broke, but they have all these cool armor sets and weapons from the beginning. Also, lots of guns.
I'm also a fan of Babylon 5, so when they mentioned PSICOM, I thought that they meant PsiCorp at first. The only flaw that I can find so far in the gameplay is that the second pack of heroes are a bit boastful. But, they have a non-stereotype African-American as a main character also, so I can't complain much.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


I'm really sorry for the week late post, but my dogs got bit by a copperhead last Saturday, so I didn't have enough time to finish up the blog and post it. I still have my hands full with the dogs, so the actual weekly post will come Monday afternoon. For now, have a game review! 

  Game review: King of Tokyo 
Made by Richard Garfield 
Published by IELLO 
          This game is one of the most fun competitive board games I have ever played! It's fun, easy, and full to bursting with dice awesomeness! Playing as a monster, you compete with other players to gain rule of Tokyo city, and if you have enough people playing, Tokyo bay!
          On your turn, you roll neon-green dice three times and decide which sides of the dice you roll you keep! After that, with your dice results, you can attack the person in Tokyo, buy monster powers like "extra head", or gain points!
           The last monster alive, or the one who collects twenty points, wins! I give this game:                                                                                     6/5 stars!

                                                      This picture is from:

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Weekly Update 1!

Hey guys and girls! Sorry for the HUGE gap in updates, but schoolwork got ramped up to prepare for the EOG's, so I didn't get much time to myself. My summer was also really packed, but now I'm back, and doing weekly blog posts from now on! Each one will be posted on Saturday, and chock-full of comics, videoes, drawings, and more! If I can't do the update because of family reasons or an emergency of some sort, I'll be sure to let you guys know beforehand. Oh, and because I just got back from London with jetlag, there won't be as much content as there will be usually. But don't worry! Next week, I will hopefully be over my jetlag, and have that post up with stuff galore!

                                        Weekly Update


Worldcon has started FOR REAL now! Everyone is excited about the Hugos coming up. Also, I had my first two panels today! They were back-to-back, so I had to rush from one to the other. My first panel was about podcasting science and how hard (or easy!) it is to make one. My second panel was about what teens are reading now and how they pick their books. After those two panels and lunch, I went to St. Paul's and looked at the architecture and climbed up 32 stories to get to the top of the tower! That was about it.


The Hugos are finally here! Tonight, the best sci-fi fantasy writers will get to see if they are the best of the best. I can't wait! To add on to the excitement, my mom is going to be up on that stage, giving away the Campbell! Yes I know that the Campbell technically isn't a Hugo, but it still counts! It's important!


Ugg. I'm back from London and very tired. But I had to stay up, because of jetlag. At least I don't have school until Wednesday. I know you want comics or something special today, so I'm going to give you a comic. But not made by me.

                                                 From the creators of Awkward Zombie! Go them!


Okay, I think I'm feeling slightly more human now. But I'm dreading having to wake up at 6:30 tomorrow. Anyway, I made a video of my favorite video game for you guys. I'm sorry it cut out so fast, but the camera memory was too small. What happens at the end is that I get creamed by a flower beast and wake up in the town hospital. The End! ( side note: I won't have the video up until Sunday because of editing. Please be patient! Sorry!)


School has started. I'm really tired. Those two sentences sum up my entire day. I'm going to bed. Here's a comic. 

From ReadySoup, the comic about video games and Power Rangers!


Hey guys! I'm just back home from school, and not feeling as tired as I was yesterday, but still a little jetlagged. So, school is nice so far, all the homework has just been sheets for my parents to sign so far. I'm dreading what Friday will bring, though. Anyway, I wanted to say that I was sorry for not having anything original up on the blog yet except for the video game video. As you know, school has started and things will be a bit rushed until I get back into the rhythm of things. Again, sorry. Here's a comic! Zoom in if you can't see it.
 From the amazing creators of BrawlintheFamily!

(Second side note: Sorry, no links to the pictures just yet, but again I will have them up tomorrow. I am an amature, forgive me.)


Hooray! The weekend! Oh... that much homework? What? No? There's more? *groan*
Welp, I'll be going rock hunting tomorrow, so I'll have to do it all on Sunday. Whee. No comic this time, sorry. I'm up to my neck in paper. See you in a week!

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Hey guys! I saw this comic while looking at my favorite webcomic, pvp, and it perfectly reflects how I feel when watching the Big Bang Theory.  

In other news, I got some new pets! They're called triops, and they've lived for nearly two hundred million years! 
Creepy, right? Well, mine are only one day old and won't look like this until two weeks or so.

Hey guys! I'm introducing something new! Every time I do a blog post, I will add on a drawing I did or finished that day. Here's today's drawing!